Are you looking for a special place to board your horse either in stall or pasture boarding, with excellent care, a huge covered arena, and access to wooded trails? Here at Jim-a-Dee Ranch, you'll have friendly people to ride with, both Western and English riders. Jim-A-Dee Ranch hosts workshops, clinics, group lessons, and private lessons. Call Dee Brown at 502-370-7200, or email Dee at
Stall Board:
Options Available for Full or Partial Care.
Individual StallFans with Central Controls
Rubber Paver Floors in Show Barn Aisle
Individual Water Controls in all Stalls
Corner Hay Feeders
Individual Mounted Grain Feeders
Individual Paddocks Available
Day Windows Between Stalls
Mare Lights Available
Convertible Stalls for Mare Foaling
Dutch Doors Leading to Paddocks
Lighted Outdoor Paddocks
Dropped Down Stall Front
Central Fly Spray System (all barn area)
Shavings for Bedding
Hay and Grain 2x daily (or as requested)
Pasture Board:
Hay and grain 2x daily (or as requested)
Horse Safe Fencing (No Climb Fencing)
All Paddocks Equipped with Shade Screens and Individual Waterers
24/7 On Site Staff